CFSI Helps Rebuild Henryville (March 2, 2013)

CFSI Helps Rebuild Henryville

Following the devastating storms that swept through our community one year ago, the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana felt a responsibility to provide whatever leadership and guidance possible to help rebuild the communities and people affected by the March 2nd tornadoes.

Immediately following the disaster, Community Foundation staff visited the impacted areas and began working with community leaders and relief organizations. Analyzing the needs of the communities, the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana partnered with other organizations to help rebuild and assist in the long-term recovery efforts.

Since March 2nd the Community Foundation has given grants totaling more than $255,000.00 to assist with the relief efforts and volunteered hundreds of hours of time – working hand-in-hand with various entities – to assist with rebuilding efforts and ensuring that 100% of donations given to the Community Foundation’s Disaster Relief Fund were given back to the community in meaningful and impactful ways. Contributions helped fund an important summer school program for elementary students, directly assisted with 27 FEMA cases, supported counseling programs, helped support numerous nonprofits assisting with rebuilding efforts, and – through a grant matching program with The Ogle Foundation – was able to help Habitat for Humanity build new homes in Henryville.

With the help of local, national, and even international contributions the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana anticipates they will have granted over $325,000.00 to rebuilding efforts once the Disaster Relief Fund is exhausted.

Linda Speed, President and CEO of the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana said, “This has been an incredible experience for us. There are no words to express the amount of pain and destruction we witnessed following those storms. While we wish this never happened, I’m proud that our community came together and the Foundation was able to play a small role in the efforts of so many. This has forever changed us as an organization and we continue to do everything we can to help those people who are still there, working to rebuild their community.”

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