2018 Annual Report
Dear Friends,
Sitting along the banks of the Ohio River, Southern Indiana is home to an incredibly diverse community of people who give back and support the greatest needs of our friends, families, coworkers, businesses and neighbors. It’s one of the many reasons we’re proud to call Clark and Floyd counties our home.
Over the past year, your community foundation, the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana (CFSI), has partnered with you to help those in need and improve our community’s quality of life. We’ve engaged with you on important regional issues, made grants to area nonprofits, provided scholarships to our region’s youth and have served as your philanthropic partner – helping many individuals, families and businesses give back to their community in meaningful ways.
As you’ll see in this report to the community, we’re making a difference in Southern Indiana – and it’s all possible because of your support. This is our home and we’re driven by you to make Southern Indiana the best it can be. We hope to inspire you to get involved and make an impact. And, when you’re ready, give us a call and find out how you can join us on our journey to make this the best community it can be.
Linda S. Speed, J.D. Bill White
President and CEO Chair, Board of Directors
CFSI Provides…
• Community leadership on important regional issues
• Grants and scholarships to make this a better place to live, work and play
• Philanthropic partnership that connects people to the causes they care most about
2018 By The Numbers
• $106 million in charitable assets
• 262 individual charitable funds fulfilling donor intent
• $2.5 million in grants from Community Impact Fund since 1991
• $5 million in grants and scholarships awarded from all funds, including:
• $450,000 in scholarships to class of 2018
• 110 scholarships changing the lives of young people
• $4.4 million in fundholder grants
• $266,000 distributed in 65 grants from Community Impact Fund (unrestricted permanent fund for our community)
• 84,000 people served through our grants to area nonprofits
Fulfilling a Family Promise
Mary Beth Woehrle
Thank You!
Last year our grants to area nonprofits helped them serve 84,000 people in Clark and Floyd Counties!
To our community, donors, fundholders and Legacy Society members, we say thank you for helping us make a difference in Southern Indiana. We’re applyingour resources to address the greatest needs of our community, and because of your support, last year our grants to area nonprofits helped them serve 84,000 people in Clark and Floyd counties. Thank you for allowing us to be the partner, resource and steward for philanthropy in our community.
Advisor Spotlight
Sharon R. Handy
Attorney with Seiller Waterman LLC
This is such a special community with so much to offer, and my clients feel the same way. It’s why I speak with my clients about using the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana to give back. The Community Foundation can help people establish charitable funds that are as individual and unique as they are. And I can trust the Foundation to handle my clients with the same care that I would – making each of them feel valued and appreciated while simplifying the giving process.
The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana will work with you and your professional advisor to create a customized fund to accomplish your charitable goals now, as well as those who want to leave a gift that will support their favorite nonprofit, school or church through their will.
Getting Involved in Giving Back
Your Chance to Make An Impact
Linda Speed, President and CEO
Everyone has their own unique interests and ideas on how to give back to their community. Maybe you want to get your children and grandchildren involved as a family in your giving, establish a scholarship, provide support for your church or alma mater, leave a legacy through your will, or simply help address our community’s greatest needs.
Whatever your financial or charitable goals, whatever your means, whatever your passions, the Community Foundation will help make your giving easy, flexible and meaningful. We’ll work with you and your professional advisor to establish a customized charitable fund that supports your favorite causes and makes the most sense for your personal situation. But it starts with you, your passions and ideas for how you’d like to make this world a better place. We can help you do that. I invite you to call me at (812) 948-4662 or email me at ls****@cf***************.com and start the conversation about your charitable vision.
• Scholarship Funds
• Donor Advised Funds
• Charitable Checking Accounts
• Legacy Funds
• Community Impact Funds
• And more
Addressing Needs, Strengthening Community
American Red Cross Grant for Flood Relief
In early 2018, the rising Ohio River caused damage to homes and businesses in Clark and Floyd counties. The local chapter of the American Red Cross reported that nearly 400 families’ homes sustained major damage or were destroyed, with Utica, Indiana being the area hardest hit.
In an effort to lend a helping hand the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana granted $35,000 from our unrestricted Community Impact Fund to help Southern Indiana residents in need. The American Red Cross used $20,000 of those funds to make an immediate impact on those most affected.
An additional $15,000 was granted to help with the purchase of an Emergency Response Vehicle which was used locally, and across the country this past year, to provide essential resources when people needed them most.

Matching Opportunity Creates Impact In Southern Indiana
TRIPLE Your Charitable Investments and Support the Causes You Care About
In October 2018, the Lilly Endowment Inc. provided CFSI with $2 million in matching funds that will help strengthen our community and allow our fundholders to support the causes they care most about.
TRIPLE Your Donation
You won’t get an opportunity better than this! TRIPLE your donation when you contribute to the Community Foundation’s unrestricted Community Impact Fund. Lilly Endowment will match your gift, $2 for every $1
contributed! If you can help us meet this match, it will ultimately mean an additional $80,000 per year we can give away to help the residents of Clark and Floyd counties.
Add to or Create a Fund and Receive a $1 for $2 Match
If you’re interested in adding to an existing endowment fund, or creating a new endowment fund for your specific charitable interests (scholarship, church, alma mater, or favorite nonprofits), Lilly Endowment will match your gift $1 for every $2 contributed. This is a great way to increase the impact you have on our community and the causes you care most about.
Scholarships Mold People and Futures
Trey Nixon’s scholarship and the choices it gave him have provided opportunities and shaped his future in aerospace engineering.
“When I was awarded the Lilly Scholarship, I decided to attend Indiana State University (ISU) and instead of being overwhelmed by the debt of student loans or needing to find work to pay for school, the Lilly Scholarship enabled me to focus on my education and get involved in activities on the campus. It inspired me to grow in areas of leadership and communication as part of the Black Student Union and in co-establishing a chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers at ISU.
As an undergraduate engineering student at ISU, I wanted to work in the field of Aerospace Engineering, but I thought that I would be forced to move
out of state after graduation to begin my career in that field. I’m a Lilly Scholar, though, and taking to heart the purpose of that scholarship, I wanted to give back to the state of Indiana and worked hard to find my path in-state. I can proudly say that I was accepted to the University Relations Program at Honeywell, Inc. in South Bend, Indiana. Today, I work as a manufacturing engineer in their aerospace division.”
In 2018, CFSI distributed over 133 scholarship awards with a combined value of over $450,000 including our Lilly Scholar awards! Thank you to each of our scholarship fundholders and the donors who make these life-changing scholarships available to our community’s students.
These four seniors from Clark and Floyd counties were chosen from 237 applicants to receive full four-year scholarships from the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Program.
- Thomas Beimrohr, Jeffersonville High School
- Sarra Debbabi, Jeffersonville High School
- Ethan Furnish, Our Lady of Providence High School
- Emily Mathews, New Albany High School
Community Leadership
Doing More Together
By working together, we can accomplish so much more than we can by working alone. At CFSI we believe in providing leadership on important community issues – partnering with other organizations to create change and make a positive impact on our community.
Our Community’s Future
Youth Philanthropy Council
The Foundation’s Youth Philanthropy Council (YPC) is a group of bright, energetic next generation leaders who learn about philanthropy, complete community service projects and run a competitive grant cycle which has awarded over $131,000 to area nonprofits to address the needs of our region’s youth.
Since 2012, the YPC of CFSI has awarded grants to the Borden Elves through their competitive grant program. Each year the grant award helps fund the Borden High School shop students’ ability to make more toys with better materials and bring joy to increasing numbers of underserved children in our community. Mr. Anthony Harper, Borden High School shop teacher said, “Not only are children in need receiving handmade toys at Christmas, but thanks to Hank and Wilma Klein (who donated the equipment used in the woodworking project), and the grant we received from the YPC, my students are learning about goal-setting, planning and execution, teamwork, and problemsolving through the process of toy engineering. They are developing trade skills and hands-on work experience they can use to begin building a resume, pride in craftsmanship, and the qualities of character that come from working toward a social good they feel passionately about.”
Board of Directors
The members of the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana assure that the Foundation’s resources are used efficiently and effectively to accomplish our vision and mission.
Chair: Bill White
Vice Chair: David Hussung
Treasurer: Adam Naville
Secretary: Lisa Brones Huber
Immediate Past Chair: Phillip Beaman
Pictured, from left:
Seated: Adam Naville, Jay Conner, Bob Woosley, Larry Ricke, Melissa Fry, and Sharon Handy.
Standing: Catherine Sherrard, J. Terrence Cody, Bill Hanson, Sue Sanders, Mike Johnson, Phillip Beaman, J. Scott Waters, Linda Speed,
Bill White and Damon Massey.
Not Pictured: Barb Geltmaker, Lisa Brones Huber and David Hussung.