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Helpful Tips from the Southern Indiana Estate Planing Council  

Why Should I Plan?

By: Scott Waters, Waters, Tyler, Hofmann & Scott, LLC

So, why plan? Ben Franklin wrote in 1789 that “in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” The human condition is faced with eventual death, and for many of us, taxation in some form will accompany it. If only it were that simple! “I am not old yet,” some say. But because death is a process (or an instantaneous event, such as an accident, heart attack, etc.), waiting until you are “old” to plan can make things very difficult.  If mental capacity is lost, you are incapable of any further planning.  So there is a need to act while you are mentally and physically able.  Without planning, your intentions for the distribution of your wealth to your children or grandchildren – or somewhere else entirely – may be left to chance and not happen the way you want.

One thing you can do to start your planning is to think about… continue reading the article…  

Give your clients the gift of a match and help them…

TRIPLE Their Charitable Gifts in 2019!

Thanks to a matching opportunity from Lilly Endowment Inc. the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana is now offering a match for all qualifying contributions made to endowment funds between now and December 31, 2020, or as soon as the allocated matching funds are exhausted.

TRIPLE Your Clients’ Donation

Your clients won’t get an opportunity better than this! TRIPLE their donation when they contribute to the Community Foundation’s unrestricted Community Impact Fund. Lilly Endowment will match their gift, $2 for every $1 they contribute! This is the easiest and most flexible way to provide for the most pressing needs in our community, forever. Last year we made more than 60 grants to Southern Indiana nonprofits from the Community Impact Fund – helping address the needs of more than 84,000 people in our community.

Add to or Create an Endowment Fund Receive a $1 Match for $2 Gift

If your clients are interested in adding to an existing endowment fund, or creating a new endowment fund for their specific charitable purposes, Lilly Endowment will match their gift $1 for every $2 they contribute. This is a great way to increase the impact they have on our community.

CFSI will automatically match any qualifying gift made between now and December 31, 2020 (or until the balance of the matching funds is allocated, if sooner).

Gifts that can be matched include:

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Qualified charitable distributions (IRA Rollover)
  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Mutual Funds and more!

If you have additional questions about how your clients can take advantage of the match, start an endowment fund, or support the Community Impact Fund, please contact Linda Speed at 812-948-4662 or


Valuable Resources for You and Your Clients

Maintaining Trust Qualification Requires Ongoing Vigilance
Drafting and executing a charitable remainder trust that meets the requirements of Code §664 is the first step, but there are many other ways trusts can run afoul of the rules . . . more

What Happens Later?
Many donors have discovered the tax advantages of contributing a remainder interest in a home or farm . . . more

Restricting the Use of Contributed Property
Philanthropic clients increasingly seem interested in giving to specific projects or programs of a charity, rather than for the general use of the organization. . . more

Considerations When Making Charitable Bequests
Planning charitable bequests involves more than just determining a charity’s correct legal name and its status as a qualified organization . . . more

Content courtesy of R&R Newkirk.

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IT'S OFFICIAL: The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana has been awarded a $3.75 MILLION Matching Grant from the Lilly Endowment! Learn how you can help us award an estimated additional $200,000 in local grants - a 50% annual increase - each year. Forever.

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