Help Your Clients at Year End
Your Clients’ Timing Must Be Right
We Can Help
If your clients plan on making a gift at year end there are some important things they’ll need to know. Included below are some helpful tips to keep in mind, as well as additional information about the Advisor Resources on our website and some helpful giving tips from R&R Newkirk.
Year End Tips to Help Your Clients
- Keep an eye on timing. Checks must be hand delivered or postmarked on or before December 31. Credit card gifts must be posted to your client’s account and received by CFSI by December 31, so we recommend making gifts by credit card several days before year end.
- Transferring Stock is a great way to give, but your clients should start this process a little earlier. Depending on the stock it may take some time to complete the gift and CFSI recommends starting this process no later than December 1st. If your client wants to transfer mutual funds, they should talk to their fund administrator now on year end timing as these funds can take even longer.
- Make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (“QCD”) from an IRA. This very popular giving technique allows IRA owners age 70½ or older to make a tax-free contribution of up to $100,000 directly to a qualified charity from their IRA. Qualified charitable distributions are excluded from taxable income and can count towards their required minimum distribution. A QCD gift can go into any fund at CFSI except donor advised funds. Please note that IRA owners who turn 70½ in 2020, however, don’t have to begin taking required minimum distributions until after they reach age 72, and under the CARES Act required minimum distributions are suspended for 2020.
Click here to learn more about timing giving techniques.
Advisor Resources
The Community Foundation’s website offers a range of resources to help you serve your clients including access to PG Calc, the Charitable Giving Tax Service, and the Advisor Toolkit from R&R Newkirk.
Tools Available on our website include:
- Online Qualified Charitable Distribution Form
- Advisor Toolkit
- Gift Calculator
- Advisor Downloads
- Charitable Giving Tax Service
- Gift Planning Advisors’ Grid
- Gift Planning Tips
- Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
- Types of Funds
- Ways to Give
- Legacy and Planned Gifts
- Advisor FAQs
- Southern Indiana Estate Planning Council
The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana is honored to be your partner in philanthropy. If you or your client would like to learn more about our giving options and how they can benefit from a fund at CFSI, please contact Linda Speed at (812) 948-4662 or ls****@cf***************.com.
Gift Planning Tips
New Life Expectancy, Retirement Plan Distribution Tables Effective in 2021
Late last year, the IRS issued proposed amendments of regulations reflecting longer life expectancies [REG-132210-18] … more
Charitable Gifts of Corporate Bonds
Charitable gift planning often focuses on the advantages of giving appreciated stock, mutual funds and real estate, but many clients have corporate bonds in their portfolios as well, which may be just as appealing as stocks for making tax-wise contributions … more
Retaining the Right to Revoke—Charitable Remainder Trusts vs. Charitable Gift Annuities
An individual who creates a charitable remainder trust or charitable gift annuity naming another person as an income beneficiary or annuitant is deemed to make a gift in an amount equal to the value of the other person’s interest … more
Options for Giving Only a Part If a donor owns 100 shares of a particular stock, it’s simple to give just half the shares, but what happens when the asset the donor has to give is not as easily divisible as shares of stock? … more