Happy Holidays

The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana is here to serve as your partner, resource and steward in philanthropy. And while we have been here for our community for nearly 30 years, this year has been incredibly challenging – and rewarding – as we respond to our region’s needs.
This past year the Community Foundation’s unrestricted Community Impact Fund helped 61,000 people through our grants to nonprofit organizations and provided $100,000 in seed money for our COVID-19 Relief Fund, which helped spur an additional $1 million in gifts from individuals, private foundations, businesses and local governments. With your support, 100% of the COVID-19 Relief Fund is being granted out to help small businesses and provide important resources that allow our nonprofit partners to serve an increasing number of people in need.
We’ve also seen everyday people give back in unique ways like making masks and providing meals to first responders. Our teachers have adapted teaching styles so the kids in their classrooms continue to progress through their education. And we’ve learned to “connect” with people in new ways.
Yes, 2020 has been a challenging year, but let’s not lose sight of all that we have to be thankful for. As we close this year out, we know you may be interested in making year-end gifts that could help our region respond to current needs while planning for future needs. To help you on this Giving Tuesday, the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana has provided a few resources below that can help you make an impactful gift in 2020. It is our honor to serve this community and hope that you’ll give us a call at 812-948-4662 if you have any questions about how you can help at year end.

Community Resources Helping You Give In Impactful Ways
Looking to make an impact at year-end? Below are some resources from the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana to help.
Community Needs Assessment
The Foundation’s Assessment of Needs and Priorities in Clark and Floyd Counties has highlighted the greatest needs of our region as identified by our community’s residents, businesses and community leaders, and nonprofit service providers. This excellent resource will be updated soon but still includes valuable information for people who wish to make a difference in areas of greatest need.
Nonprofit Maps
Want to refer people to a place they can receive a hot meal? Want to support a community kitchen close to where you live? Our Community Needs Map is an interactive map that shows the locations of adult education services, hot meal food pantry locations, TARC routes, income and education levels and so much more. These maps help illustrate where our gaps and overlaps in services are and can help people find the resources they need.
Nonprofit Resource Guide
The Foundation’s Nonprofit Resource Guide includes information on local nonprofits’ needs, gaps and overlaps as well as a comprehensive listing of area nonprofits based off their area of focus. If you know you want to help an organization in a particular area of focus but you aren’t sure who, this report could help point you in the right direction.
View the Nonprofit Resource Guide
Year-End Giving Tips
Year-end planning is a ritual for people who coordinate their tax planning with their charitable giving. Anticipating the end of the year takes on additional significance as we adjust to ever-changing tax laws and shifting financial markets. If you’re planning on making a gift at year end there are some important things you need to know. The Foundation’s Year-End Giving Tips can help.
See our 2020 Year-End Giving Tips
Community Impact Fund
Annually, the Foundation’s unrestricted Community Impact Fund makes more than $300,000 in grants to area nonprofits that support the residents of Clark and Floyd counties. Last year, grants from the Community Impact Fund helped Southern Indiana nonprofits address the needs of more than 61,000 people in our community. If you know you want to make a gift that will make a difference in Southern Indiana, but you aren’t sure how or what organization to support, the Community Impact Fund may be the perfect option for you.
Make Your Gift to the Community Impact Fund

CFSI Scholarship Applications Open
Beginning at noon today, December 1, high school seniors throughout Clark, Floyd and surrounding counties can apply to receive generous, well-earned scholarships through the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana.
The Foundation’s scholarship program consists of over 75 scholarship funds established by donors desiring to assist students in Southern Indiana. Because of the generosity of these donors over 100 scholarships are awarded to area seniors – helping them pursue the next phase of their education. While many of these awards are available through the local high schools and colleges, students may apply for specific scholarships directly through the Foundation’s website from December 1 through noon on February 1, 2021.
In spring of 2020, the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana awarded over 100 scholarships worth a combined value of over $390,000.
Students interested in learning more are invited to visit the scholarship section of Foundation’s website www.cfsouthernindiana.com.