
The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana provides community leadership and partners with many other organizations in Southern Indiana to support various charitable efforts. Depending on the situation we may help write grants, provide advice and support during the project and hold endowment funds for projects.

  • United Community (2020-current)

    United Community is a coordinated care network of health, education, and social care providers. Partners in the network are connected through a shared technology platform, Unite Us, which enables them to send and receive electronic referrals, address people’s social needs, and improve health, education, and financial wellbeing across communities. United Community is supported by lead sponsors CVS Health and Aetna Better Health of Kentucky and led by our strategic partner, Metro United Way with support from multiple local and national funding partners. Joining the network is free of cost for community-based organizations and many organizations that are considered part of the […]


  • Youth Philanthropy Council (2000-Current)

    The Youth Philanthropy Council project is designed to bring youth on board in meaningful ways, to encourage them to give and serve in their communities and to make philanthropy a habit for future generations. The history of the project goes back to 1997, when the Cinergy Foundation initiated their “links to leadership” program. In August 2000 CFSI partnered with The Ogle Foundation to “promote giving among youth in our community,” and the YPC program was initiated. Its ongoing support is provided by an endowment created for this purpose by The Ogle Foundation. Since the YPC’s first grants were made in […]


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We are empowered and bolstered by the successes we’ve witnessed in our community.

We are your community foundation.

Get in touch with us to discuss your how together we can make Southern Indiana’s future even brighter!

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IT'S OFFICIAL: The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana has been awarded a $3.75 MILLION Matching Grant from the Lilly Endowment! Learn how you can help us award an estimated additional $200,000 in local grants - a 50% annual increase - each year. Forever.

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