For Advisors

By partnering with the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana (CFSI) you can make it easier for your clients to give simply and effectively – helping them receive tax benefits they may not realize on their own while supporting their unique charitable interests. At CFSI, philanthropy is our only business. We are committed to helping you assist your clients to achieve their philanthropic goals.

We understand the importance of your client relationships. Rest assured that we will work with the client in whatever way you like, up front or behind the scenes. Your clients will appreciate your helping them achieve more than they thought possible. Whether their needs are simple or complex, utilizing our expertise and experience will add value to your services.

Offer Charitable Solutions

We work with you to create giving strategies customized to your clients’ personal and financial goals.

Provide Maximum Tax Benefits

Your client’s gift to CFSI receives the maximum tax benefits allowed for a gift to a public charity.

Help Any Client Give Back

Being philanthropic does not require a lot of wealth. The Community Foundation can work with you to craft a plan that meets the needs of all your clients. No matter their income level, your clients can have a giving plan that fulfills their charitable goals.

Keep the Planning Flexible

Your clients can make a gift when its the right time for them, and then, when they’re ready, recommend grants over time to the not-for-profits of their choice. They have the flexibility to support many different charitable interests from one fund.

Make the Greatest Impact

For more than 30 years, the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana has helped people create meaningful, customized charitable funds that help them fulfill their charitable goals. Whatever their charitable objectives may be, we can be the resource for your clients to make informed grant decisions and provide them with feedback on the impact of their gifts

Preserve Charitable Intent

An endowment fund at CFSI never goes out of date, even if the original charitable purpose can no longer be fulfilled. When they create a fund, your client may designate an alternate purpose of their choosing for this contingency, or the Foundation’s Board of Directors will use the fund to support a cause that most closely matches your client’s original intent.

Cost-Free Planning

It’s our pleasure to work with you to explore the best options for your clients’ personal and financial goals. There is never any obligation, and there is no charge for our consultation, planning or drafting.

Advisor Resources

Advisor Downloads

Advisor FAQs

Advisor Toolkit

Charitable Giving Tax Service

Gift Calculator

Gift Planning Advisors’ Grid

Gift Planning Tips

Legacy and Planned Gifts

Qualified Charitable Distribution Form

Southern Indiana Estate Planning Council

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Types of Funds

Ways to Give

If you have questions about the Community Foundation, our funds, or how we can help your clients give back, please call Linda Speed at (812) 948-4662 or email her at ls****@cf***************.com.

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IT'S OFFICIAL: The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana has been awarded a $3.75 MILLION Matching Grant from the Lilly Endowment! Learn how you can help us award an estimated additional $200,000 in local grants - a 50% annual increase - each year. Forever.

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