Advisor Resources
By partnering with the Community Foundation you can make it easier for your clients to give effectively, help them receive tax benefits they may not realize on their own, and encourage support that will improve the quality of life in Southern Indiana.
At the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana, philanthropy is our business – our only business. We are committed to helping you assist your clients to achieve their philanthropic goals, for both today and generations to come.
Advisor Resources
Advisor Downloads
Advisor FAQs
Advisor Toolkit
Charitable Giving Tax Service
Gift Calculator
Gift Planning Advisors’ Grid
Gift Planning Tips
Legacy and Planned Gifts
Qualified Charitable Distribution Form
Southern Indiana Estate Planning Council
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Types of Funds
Ways to Give

The resources below are a great way to get started. As you look through the information, please contact Linda Speed, president and CEO, at 812-948-4662 or ls****@cf***************.com if you have any questions.