Ways To Give
Once you’ve determined that creating a fund at the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana would be beneficial to you and the community, it’s time to think about how and when you want to give. With the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana you’re able to give in a wide variety of ways and you’ll get the maximum tax benefit for your contribution.
Below you’ll find information about how you can give now, or give later through your Will or Estate. The Community Foundation’s expert staff can help you with a seamless gift – whether that is a liquid or cash asset, or even an illiquid closely held asset – and you may be able to do so without ever writing a check.
Ways to Give Now
Make a Donation Online
Making a gift online is simple. You can choose to make a gift to the Community Foundation’s Community Endowment Fund that allows the Foundation to support the most pressing needs in our community, or you can choose a specific named fund held at the Foundation. Simply follow this link to the Give Today page and follow the steps.
Cash or Credit
Making a gift of cash now is simple and can provide you with attractive tax benefits now. You can make your gift by mailing or dropping off a check at our location, or by making a gift using your credit card through our secure website on the Give Today.
Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds
Using marketable securities to add to or establish a fund at the Community Foundation is one of the more popular ways to give. These types of gifts are a simple to give and offer attractive tax benefits, including: avoiding capital gains tax on the appreciation and, if you have owned the securities for more than 12 months, you may claim a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the share you donate rather than the purchase price.
Real Estate
Appreciated real estate can be a great gift to establish your fund at the Community Foundation. The value of your real estate may exceed that of any other asset you own and donating to the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana could help you avoid costly taxes while fulfilling your charitable interests. Gifts of real estate require some specific guidelines to be followed – click here to learn more.
Closely Held Business Interests including Subchapter S-Stock
Gifting appreciated business interests to the Community Foundation can present an attractive option for business owners because you can reduce your personal income and potential estate taxes while maximizing the size of your charitable impact. These gifts can be a great tool in succession planning, and by giving to the Community Foundation instead of establishing a private foundation you can secure the maximum tax advantage with minimal work.
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) / IRA Charitable Rollover*
A Qualified Charitable Distribution, or IRA Charitable Rollover, allows individuals who are 70½ or older to make a gift of any amount, up to $100,000, directly from their IRA to the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana. The gift would satisfy any IRA required minimum distributions for the year. It’s simple to make an IRA rollover gift to your favorite charity – just consult with your retirement plan administrator and tell them you would like to make an IRA Charitable Rollover distribution to the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana. Then, we’ll work with you to establish your personalized charitable plan. Click here to complete the QCD Form and start the process of opening your fund. Or, learn more about QCD giving from our informational flyer or watch this video.
* It is important to remember that IRA Charitable Rollover gifts cannot be made to support a donor advised fund or private foundation. Your gift can be used to support a designated fund, field of interest fund, or the Foundation’s Community Fund which supports the greatest needs of our region though community grants.
Ways to Give Later
Bequest by Will or Trust
Making a bequest is one of the simplest estate giving options available – and it allows you to create a charitable fund without ever writing a check or parting with the assets you may need during your lifetime. All you need to do is speak with the Foundation about you intentions and add specific language to your will stating your intentions.
Beneficiary Designation Gifts – IRA, Life Insurance, or Qualified Plan Assets
Naming the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana as a beneficiary of your life insurance, IRA or other qualified retirement plan is an easy way to make a significant and lasting gift that will have a tremendous impact on our community and does not affect assets you may need during your lifetime. Most retirement account assets are among the best choices for charitable giving because of the significant income tax burden likely paid by heirs and because they can made without the need to modify your will or estate plan.
Charitable Gift Annuities
A charitable gift annuity provides a simple way to get guaranteed income for your or a loved one’s lifetime, while at the same time it lowers your tax burden by providing a current income tax deduction and reduces the size of your estate. In exchange for your irrevocable gift of cash, securities, or other assets, the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana agrees to pay one or two annuitants you name a fixed sum each year for life. The payments are guaranteed by the general resources of the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana and the portion of the gift that is not used to pay the life income stream goes to advance the donor’s charitable goals at the Community Foundation
Charitable Trusts
Charitable remainder trusts are similar to charitable gift annuities – they provide donors with life income that is determined by factors such as age and the terms of the trust. The trust’s remainder will establish or increase an existing fund at the Foundation. Charitable remainder trusts are flexible, enable donors to contribute other assets beyond cash or appreciated securities, and provide tax benefits when the trust is established.Charitable lead trusts work just like a remainder trust but in reverse. The trust pays a fixed amount to the Community Foundation to accomplish your charitable goals and at the end of the trust, the remaining assets transfer to the beneficiaries that you name. Depending on the individual circumstances, this arrangement can reduce your federal gift and estate taxes.
Close Held Business Interests Including Subchapter S-Stock
Gifting appreciated business interests to the Community Foundation can present an attractive option for business owners because you can reduce your personal income and potential estate taxes while maximizing the size of your charitable impact. These gifts can be a great tool in succession planning, and by giving to the Community Foundation instead of establishing a private foundation you can secure the maximum tax advantage with minimal work.

If you have questions about the Community Foundation, our funds, or how you can use us to give back, please call Linda Speed at (812) 948-4662 or email her at ls****@cf***************.com.