Emergency Grants

Nobody expects the unexpected. We understand that emergencies happen and your organization may be in need of emergency funding. That is why the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana offers Emergency Grants.

To be considered for this program, prospective grantees are encouraged to apply for grants through the Community Assist Grant Program or Youth Philanthropy Council Grant Program. Emergency Grant requests will only be considered by the Foundation if it is determined by the Foundation that:

  • The request is time-sensitive in nature and could not have been predicted or reasonably planned for and a response for the emergency is needed in 45 days or less.
  • The request is to support a true community emergency need or an emergency need of an agency, such as essential equipment repairs, that would prevent it from carrying out its primary mission.

Emergency grants will only be made to organizations serving Clark & Floyd counties.

Grants from the Community Foundation must meet legal and tax requirements and may be made only to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations and qualifying programs. Schools, religious organizations, some civic organizations and local government units may be exempt from this requirement. In specific situations and with advance approval the Foundation may, from time to time, issue a grant to a non-501(c)(3) public charity or exempt organization for which it must undertake expenditure responsibility in order to meet legal and tax requirements, but this exception does not include grants made through the Community Assist Grants Program, Youth Philanthropy Council Spring Grant Cycle, or Emergency Grants.

For more information about the Emergency Grant Request criteria and process, please refer to the Foundation’s Grant Policies & Guidelines. For additional questions, please contact Crystal Gunther-Melcher, Vice President of Community Philanthropy, at 812-948-4662 or cg******@cf***************.com.

Emergency Grant Request

  • Please consider the following questions in your explanation: 1. Was the emergency caused by an increase in demand, a decrease in revenue, or both? Please explain. 2. On average, how many people are served by your organization per year and what, if any, change has occurred as a result of the economic crises? 3. How has this emergency directly affected the people you serve? 4. If revenue has decreased, have you or will you cut organization expenses? (i.e. operating expenses, program expenses, or both?) 5. Have you made plans to increase revenue in the coming year? 6. What other efforts have/will your Board made/make to address the emergency? 7. Other than cash on hand, does the organization have reserves? If so, please describe: 8. What will the Board do to ensure the future stability of the organization? 9. If you receive this funding, what will be the measurable impact on the people that you serve and/or your organization?
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Max. file size: 32 MB.
    Please Note: In order to attach documents you must use Internet Explorer10+, Chrome, Safari or FireFox. If you are unable to attach documents please complete this form and email the attachments to cg******@cf***************.com.
  • Max. file size: 32 MB.
    Please Note: In order to attach documents you must use Internet Explorer10+, Chrome, Safari or FireFox. If you are unable to attach documents please complete this form and email the attachments to cg******@cf***************.com.
  • This is where a copy of the emergency grant request confirmation will be sent.
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IT'S OFFICIAL: The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana has been awarded a $3.75 MILLION Matching Grant from the Lilly Endowment! Learn how you can help us award an estimated additional $200,000 in local grants - a 50% annual increase - each year. Forever.

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