I Received a Scholarship – Now What?!

First off, congratuations!!
Receiving a scholarship is a fantastic feeling. After all, who doesn’t like to be financially rewarded for all of their hard work? (Not to mention the free money to help avoid that annoying post-college debt!)
So now that you’ve received a scholarship from the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana, what’s next? Let us walk you through each required step so you can rest assured that your scholarship funds are waiting for you at your college or university.
Step 1: Formally Accept the Scholarship via Email
You received the award, so make sure you accept it! The instructions to formally accept the scholarship will be emailed to you from CF***************@ap*******.com. It will contain all necessary information as to how scholars can accept their awards.
Step 2: Follow Email Instructions to Access Online Portal
Formal acceptance through our online portal is mandatory for all scholarship recipients, and must be submitted by JUNE 2025 to receive your respective award. This includes information on which college you have decided to attend, your college student ID number, enrollment information, and possible tax-related questions.
You will receive this communication from our Scholarship Support Team (ISTS) in early JUNE.
IMPORTANT: If the message is not showing up in your inbox of the email address you provided, please be sure to check your “spam” folder.
Step 3 (if necessary): Contact ISTS with Any Email Issues
It is vital that CFSI has a correct email address on file for important communication purposes. If your email address has changed since you have applied for the scholarship, you must notify our scholarship support team (ISTS) at – CF***************@ap*******.com – or log into the scholarship portal where you accepted your award and update your information there so we can be sure you receive communications. Failure to comply may result in delay of payment and/or a loss of your scholarship award.
Step 4 (if necessary): Contact ISTS Support with Any Issues
If you do not receive your acceptance email by early June, please go to https://aim.applyISTS.net and click the green “Help” button.
To ensure you are provided with the most accurate information, please be prepared to provide your full name, username (email address), and the name of the scholarship you received. You will also need to mention that you are a Community Foundation of Southern Indiana scholarship recipient.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How much is my award? When can I expect payment to my school?
A: All details about your scholarship are provided through the online acceptance process via the link that will be emailed to you from our scholarship support team (ISTS). If recipients complete the online acceptance by the June 27, 2024, deadline, scholarship checks are mailed to respective colleges in July. Checks are made payable to and sent directly to the scholars selected college. Failure to provide an accurate mailing address for the college you are attending on the acceptance form may cause a delay in the college receiving the funds and will result in a $35 check reissue fee.
Q: What happens if my school never receives the scholarship funds?
A: You will need to contact our scholarship support team (ISTS) at CF***************@ap*******.com.
Q: Are there criteria that I must meet to be eligible to receive my scholarship award?
A: There may be certain criteria specific to receiving your scholarship award. All details about your scholarship are provided through the online acceptance process via the link that will be emailed to you from our scholarship support team (ISTS).
Q: Is my scholarship renewable?
A: Some scholarships are one-time awards, while some are renewable. All details about your scholarship are provided through the online acceptance process via the link that will be emailed to you from our scholarship support team (ISTS).
Q: How will my scholarship award be paid out to my school?
A: For all scholarship awards (one-time or renewable), the payment will be made each year in the first semester and split equally between the first and second semester.
Q: What if I change my mind on my college choice or transfer mid-year to another college?
A: You will need to contact our scholarship support team (ISTS) at CF***************@ap*******.com.
Q: What if I have a renewable scholarship, and I don’t have my living arrangements in place by the deadline for renewal?
A: You may use your parent/legal guardians address temporarily until you have a new school address. Once you have the new mailing address, you will need to contact our scholarship support team and update that information at CF***************@ap*******.com.
Q: What if I have completed one year at one college and have transferred to another college? Should I upload my previous college’s transcript in the renewal process?
A: Yes, you should also upload any previous college transcripts during the renewal process.
Q: Why are the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana’s Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship eligibility requirements different than other community foundations in neighboring counties?
A: There are 94 community foundations in the state of Indiana, and each one administers their Lilly Endowment community scholarship program according to the criteria in which each of their own governing board of director’s sets. For CFSI’s criteria, please visit our website here: https://www.cfsouthernindiana.com/scholarships/