Scholarship Resources

When can I find out what scholarships are available through the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana?

Please reference our Scholarship webpage, which you can find by clicking here.

How do I apply for a scholarship?

Review the scholarship information packet, which is available by clicking here, to identify scholarships for which you’re eligible. Not all of the scholarships listed on the scholarship listing are available every year. Follow the instructions to complete the online applications for the scholarships for which you are eligible. Complete the online application before its due date.

When is the scholarship application deadline?

All scholarship applications must be submitted online by the stated deadlines. No application will be accepted after the due date, no exceptions.

Can I get an extension if I need one?

Unfortunately, no. Extensions are not granted for any reason. The online application becomes unavailable after the deadline.

If the required G.P.A. is 3.8 and I have a 3.7, should I still apply?

Yes. You may still be eligible for some scholarship, but will not qualify for any with a GPA requirement that is higher.

What documents do I need to review before applying for a scholarship?

Before applying for a scholarship through the Community Foundation you should review the entire Scholarship FAQs page and the Code of Conduct Policy and Residency Policy found on our website.

What documents do I need in order to complete my application?

  • Previous year completed and filed tax return for the parent(s)/guardian(s) that claim the applicant on their tax return. (No exceptions will be made to this requirement.)
  • The 6th semester transcript

How do you select scholarship recipients?

Scholarship applications are reviewed by the Scholarship Committee. Evaluations of applications are based on a point system. A recipient must meet all of the standard criteria required for the scholarship but also distinguish him or herself from the rest of the applicants. Read about the scholarship and try to determine what exactly the scholarship provider is looking for so that you can emphasize your related qualities in your essay.

May I receive awards from more than one scholarship fund?

Yes, you may apply for all scholarships for which you are eligible and you may receive several awards based on committee evaluation and the point system.

How much could I receive in scholarships?

Scholarship funds offer varying award amounts. Awards are dependent on the size of the particular fund, the number of qualified applicants and the directions given by the donor(s) of the funds. Some scholarships are renewable for more than one year.

What will my scholarship award cover?

Scholarships can be used for direct education expenses including tuition, books, and/or other school related fees. Please note that the IRS regulations state that scholarship awards not used for direct education expenses may be considered taxable income.

If you have any questions about how your scholarships might affect your income taxes, please consult your family’s tax advisor.

Where can I go to school if I receive aid?

Most of the scholarships are for students attending accredited colleges anywhere in the USA, unless otherwise noted in the scholarship description. Some scholarships are designated for student attending an Indiana college. Please see the scholarship’s description.

When will I be notified of my award status?

If you are selected to receive a Lilly Scholarship award, you will receive a notification letter in early December after the selection committee meets and scores are finalized. If you are selected to receive any other award, you will receive a notification letter typically in May or June.

What are my chances of receiving a scholarship?

This depends largely upon the scholarship, how well you meet qualifications and the level of effort that you exert in your search. Typically, you have a better chance of receiving scholarships that are limited to students within a state, city, sport or academic area. Scholarships that are more general typically have more applicants. The more applicants there are for a particular offer, the less chance you have of being selected.

Apply for scholarships that give you an opportunity to showcase your particular achievements that match the requirements of the scholarship – this should increase your chance of being selected. Also, keep in mind that to find money for college, you have to create your own success by committing the time and brain power necessary to achieve your goal.

If I receive a scholarship, should I send a thank you note? Where do I send it?

Yes, donors enjoy reading thank you notes and like to know something about the person who is receiving their scholarship.

If you were fortunate to have received one or more scholarships from funds at the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana, please address your thank you note to “CFSI Scholarship Committee” and mail it to the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana, 4108 Charlestown Road New Albany, Indiana, 47150. The Foundation will forward it to the committee and/or donor(s).

Will I receive a check for my scholarship?

No. Your check will be made payable to the accredited, educational institution you are attending.

You will be required to provide the correct mailing address for the scholarship payment. Incorrect information provided may cause a delay in receiving the scholarship award and, if returned, will result in a $35 check reissue fee.

What happens if I move or change schools after I’ve been awarded a scholarship?

You must notify the Community Foundation if you move or transfer to a new school as soon as you have made your decision to transfer, as transferring may cause a delay in receiving remaining scholarship funds. Once received, the Foundation will send the remaining balance to your new school.

Does the amount I receive in scholarships affect my eligibility for financial aid?

Yes. The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana gives your award to the college you are attending directly as credit towards your tuition. If this happens, the school adjusts your unmet financial need accordingly.

Where can I get more information about financial aid?

See your Guidance Counselor and try these websites:

  • – Interactive web version of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
  • – General financial aid information.
  • – Financial aid primer from the U.S. Department of Education and the Office of Student Financial Assistance Programs.
  • – A free searchable scholarship database.

Other Contacts by Telephone:

What if I have questions?

If you have questions, please see your guidance counselor, as many questions are sensitive in nature, and your counselor is more informed about you and your personal records. If you have questions for the Community Foundation, please contact Crystal Gunther-Melcher at 812-984-4662 or cg******@cf***************.com.

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IT'S OFFICIAL: The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana has been awarded a $3.75 MILLION Matching Grant from the Lilly Endowment! Learn how you can help us award an estimated additional $200,000 in local grants - a 50% annual increase - each year. Forever.

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