Site Info

All information on this website is property of CF Southern Indiana ©2019.

All material at this website, such as text, images, markup, CSS, programming, TITLE tag content, META element tag content, and design, is ©2019 to CF Southern Indiana and may not be reproduced elsewhere in any way without our express written permission.

Responsive Design, Images, and Artwork Cannot Be Reproduced

This responsive web design and unique combination of images, colors, sizes, typography, positioning, CSS, HTML and other markup and programming is ©2019 to CF Southern Indiana and cannot be reproduced or used anywhere else, whether in part or in whole. No exceptions.

Website Design and Development

This website was created, designed and developed by the Louisville web design company OOHology. Any inquiries about this website design, WordPress development, and other digital marketing services of this website should be directed to he***@oo******.com, or you may stop by our Louisville office.

You can visit the Louisville web design company online at OOHology reserves the right to use this website in its web design portfolio.

Logo and Branding

This website’s logo and branding may have also been created by Oohology. If so, all rights and ownership of the brand assets belong to CF Southern Indiana and you should contact CF Southern Indiana for usage rights. If unsure, you may call Oohology to learn more.

Apps, AI, and Virtual Reality

This website may be accompanied by a fully immersive experience including Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and Apps created by Undefined LLC. If so, all rights and ownership of the brand assets belong to CF Southern Indiana and you should contact CF Southern Indiana for usage rights. If unsure, you may contact Undefined to learn more.

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IT'S OFFICIAL: The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana has been awarded a $3.75 MILLION Matching Grant from the Lilly Endowment! Learn how you can help us award an estimated additional $200,000 in local grants - a 50% annual increase - each year. Forever.

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